When she isn’t taking shooting lessons, paying to be mock-kidnapped, or cave swimming with bats overhead, Goldie award winner Elle Ire writes paranormal romance and science fiction featuring kickass women who fall in love with each other. Elle has nine novels currently in publication including the Storm Fronts series, the Nearly Departed series, and three standalones: Vicious Circle, Reel to Real Love, and Harsh Reality.

She is also an accomplished speaker, presenting on panels and teaching workshops at conferences all over the country including the GCLS annual conference, Gulfport ReadOut, Florida Writers Association, Georgia Romance Writers conference, WorldCon, Nebula Con, MegaCon Orlando, Tampa ComicCon, QueerFX, Rainbow Space Magic, and many more. She is represented by Naomi Davis at BookEnds Literary Agency. 

Follow her at:

Twitter | @ElleEIre
Instagram | @ellee.ire
Facebook | /ElleE.IreAuthor/
BlueSky | @elleeire.bsky.social
Website | //elleire.com/

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