ALA honors Hilary Sloin

Congratulations to Hilary Sloin! Her debut novel Art on Fire has been awarded the 2014 Stonewall Book Award–Barbara Gittings Literature Award from the American Library Association. Every year, the Stonewall Book Awards Committee of the ALA recognises a book of...

ALA honors Z Egloff & Jill Malone

Congratulations to Z Egloff and Jill Malone! Every January, the American Library Association (ALA) and the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) present the Rainbow Book List. This highlights books with “significant and authentic GLBTQ...

Best 13 Reads of 2013

At the end of 2013, Jerry Wheeler of Out In Print rounded up the best books he’d read over the year: “I came across some absolutely amazing books in 2013 . . . This list is in no particular order, but they are all excellent. If you haven’t purchased them...

Stella Keeps Moving On

“So. I have breast cancer again.” In her latest blog, Stella Duffy lays it out straight. And explains where she goes from here: The same direction she was heading in already. She’s still writing (and is due to hand in a draft this spring),...

Shelf Unbound honors Hilary Sloin

Shelf Unbound is an e-zine that spotlights the best books from small and independent presses and also self-publishers. Each year, the Shelf Unbound Writing Competition for Best Indie Book chooses one winner and five finalists — and for 2013 there were more than 1,000...

Praise for Stella Duffy

Stella Duffy has been in the news for a couple of reasons this week. A frequent blogger, she has just been honored as Published Author of the Year by The Ultimate Planet Awards, set up “to recognise, thank and promote the hard work from dedicated grass roots...