DR. BONNIE J. MORRIS was born on Mother’s Day, 1961, she attended an international elementary school in West Los Angeles, graduated from Carolina Friends School after her family moved to North Carolina, and then earned a B.A. in Jewish history from American University, where she was the first student there to minor in women’s studies. She completed her Ph.D. in women’s history at Binghamton University in upstate New York in 1989, later joining the faculty of Harvard Divinity School, and Semester at Sea, Currently she is a women’s studies lecturer and professor at the University of California Berkeley, Georgetown and George Washington University. She is the author of 16 books, including three Lambda Literary Finalists, two national first-prize chapbooks, and the critical feminist texts Women’s History for Beginners, The Disappearing L, and The Feminist Revolution. She may be found lecturing on C-Span, Olivia Cruises, Semester at Sea, the National Women’s Music Festival, and on Pacifica Radio KPFK.
She may be contacted at www.bonniejmorris.com.